Friday, May 14, 2010

Week 14 - LAST week at Moroch!

Tuesday was another day of packaging and mailing. I sent Karate Kid passes and promotional items to the dojo place and the Oklahoma Homefront Association and sent Just Wright promotional items to Louie's On the Lake and McNellie's for the theme night that night. After that I learned how to work the GoFobo ticket scanner for Thursday when I scan tickets at the advance screening of Just Wright. I wrote a blog about the new Joaquin Phoenix documentary and filled out my internship evaluation. Later that evening I went to both McNellie's and Louie's where I set up all the promotional items and took pictures during the events. It was fun, especially at McNellie's because the manager was so nice.

Thursday was my last day at Moroch! It was kind of sad saying goodbye to Katie and leaving the building (Michelle, the other woman working with films at Moroch wasn't there when I left.) I edited and e-mailed Katie the pictures from the Just Wright nights at Louie's and McNellie's. I wrote a blog about Easy A. Movie news was a little slow today, but since the trailers just came out and it's a film Moroch is promoting already it worked out perfectly. Before I left for the day/semester I organized the storage room one more time and got a final count for Karate Kid items, posters and passes. Later that night I went to Harkins Theater in Bricktown with the GoFobo scanner in hand to work the advance screening for Just Wright. It went pretty good, and I got paid for it from GoFobo!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Week 13

Tuesday I worked on finalizing event details for McNellie's and Louie's by contacting the managers about menu details and brainstorming Just Wright theme names for items. I spent the rest of the day compiling a document listing all the schools in all the OKC & Tulsa school districts, along with their last day of school (which was surprisingly very different from school district to district.) Also surprising was the number of school districts and the much larger number of schools in each district, considering Oklahoma supposedly has a smaller population than a lot of states. I spent the rest of the day working on this document.

Thursday I continued finalizing event details for the two restaurants. I had the menus approved by each manager and sent to the Moroch graphic designers. I also contacted a dojo place and the Oklahoma Homefront Association about Karate Kid passes. I wrote a blog about Iron Man 2 and filled out W-9 information for a job I am doing the following week for Moroch & GoFobo (a screening pass company).

Friday I continued working with Louie's and McNellie's and tried to get something going with the Tulsa locations as well. I also compiled some information about Honda dealerships in the area. It was a short day because I had final papers and projects to work on.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Week 12

This week was the week of screening pass stuffing. On Tuesday I stuffed envelopes with Babies screening passes for various baby related stores and organizations, created postage for them with the postage machine and mailed them. On Thursday I stuffed passes in envelopes again, this time for the movie Just Wright screening. We mailed out around 300 passes for that movie...which is a lot of envelopes!

On Tuesday I called around to different bars to lock down more locations for Moroch's Just Wright promotion cocktail nights. For some reason it has been unusually hard finding interested locations for this movie. I left some messages to follow up with on Thursday. Thursday I was able to confirm the McNellie's in Oklahoma City and was talking to Louies about doing something.

I also blogged on Tuesday about Just Wright.

Friday I did research for three summer movies. For Easy A I researched country western events and contact information. I found a lot of things related to the OKC state fairgrounds, concerts and 4-H clubs. For an upcoming movie titled Burlesque starring Cher I looked up Gay Pride Month events. Apparently it is this June, so there was a lot of big events planned. I had a hard time with the last one - back to school events for a still untitled movie starring Gwyneth Paltrow. For OU I found information on Camp Crimson and Howdy Week, for example. I looked at all the schools in the OKC area for similar events and put it in a chart.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Week 11

Tuesday I packaged and mailed Babies passes to the businesses and organizations who responded positively to my e-mail request last week. I then wrote a blog about the film Kick-Ass (which was a pretty awesome movie, by the way). After blogging I settled into the familiar researching routine, this time for the movie Easy A, a movie inspired by The Scarlet Letter starring Emma Stone (and a lot of other recognizable names) about a girl who gets a reputation based on a lie and then uses those lies and others in her high school's "rumor mill" to get ahead. I researched activities during the summer that Moroch could be a part of to promote the movie to a teen or female college student audience. While I was researching, I also compiled Excel spreadsheets for the Karate Kid's OKC and Tulsa markets for after school places and martial arts places contact information.

I used this contact information Thursday to call every place on the list about receiving advance screening passes and promotional items for the Karate Kid. I took notes on their responses for when we look for promotional event hosting partners. Continuing the Karate Kid theme, I blogged about the movie. I then mailed the rest of the Babies passes out to any more responses I received since Tuesday. I also contacted a place called Cosmo's in Tulsa about hosting a cocktail night themed for Just Wright. Instead of driving back to Norman, I drove to Harkin's Theater in Bricktown where I handed out Babies posters and screening passes to movie-goers. My presence coincided with the 2:40 and 5:00 showtimes of the movie Oceans, since both films are expected to have a similar audience. I was there for a little over three hours, but I didn't really mind because it was one of the few paid gigs for my internship!

Friday I continued calling after school and martial arts places. There were about 25-30 places on each list for each OKC and Tulsa, so I had a lot of calls to make (including call-backs from Thursday's messages). I also did research and brainstorming for promotional events for the movie Grown-Ups starring Adam Sandler. This was a little different than my normal research and brainstorming. I wrote the complete report for the movie for Moroch to give to the studio so I had to follow a specific format and really make sure I had some good ideas!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Week 10

I continued contacting businesses about receiving Babies screening passes on Tuesday. I also worked on uploading pictures from past events to the PRO online reporting site for Death at a Funeral. Our comedy night at Othello's didn't work out so I spent a lot of time researching other ideas and seeing what else I could do before the movie came out that Friday. Blogging has become a part of my daily Moroch activities as well. I blogged about movies that originated as books and what to look out for this summer in theaters.

Thursday I entered all the information from the Death at a Funeral media promotions into PRO. I put in entries for TV4OU, The Wire, KALU at Langston and Pioneer Gazette at OCCC. Then I wrote a blog about Death at a Funeral and some of the issues that the movie has raised or brought more attention to. I also mailed the Babies screening passes and posters and mailed Death at a Funeral tissue packs to radio stations. We are working on a new movie called Just Wright, starring Queen Latifah. She plays a physical therapist who lands a job helping a NBA star (also her best friend's boyfriend) and has to figure out what to do when she starts to fall for him. I brainstormed promotional events for the movie and researched locations in Oklahoma City and Tulsa.

My work on Friday all took place at OU, so I didn't need to drive up to the city. I flyered the campus again for Death at a Funeral, because the movie was coming out that day. Later that night I went to the Film Series' movie Invictus, where I handed out promotional items and posters and held drawings for t-shirts. This took the place of the Othello's night for the main promotional event for Death at a Funeral.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Week 9

Blogging was my main task Tuesday. I brainstormed and researched blog topics for Moroch's blog. They write for an audience of film studios and locals interested in film. We do a lot of giveaways promoting films. I wrote a blog about the trend of 3-D movies and one promoting Death at a Funeral with screening pass giveaways. Later that day I also brainstormed promotional events for The Karate Kid. Ideas involved screenings of the original movies, a karate demo and workshop and a sumo wrestling inflatable game. I also gathered items I needed for future Death at a Funeral promotions and organized the storage room...again.

Thursday was a lot of mailing. I located and contacted seven different locations who agreed to receive, display and distribute Death at a Funeral items. I then packaged up and mailed 14 boxes (2 each) of items. I also mailed Runaways items to local and Tulsa radio stations. I left early Thursday to post movie posters for The Runaways and Babies on campus. I focused on Dale Hall and the Film and Video studies building.

Friday mailings continued, but I mainly worked on Babies. We chose winners from the Death at a Funeral blog, so I packaged and mailed their prize T-shirt and screening passes. For Babies, Moroch was in the process of putting together a spreadsheet of OKC organizations. I finished filling out the chart, which took a lot of online research. Then I e-mailed and called the places on the list about receiving advance screening passes.

That night I took a large cardboard cut-out of the Death at a Funeral cast to OU's Meachem Auditorium, along with t-shirts, promotional tissue packs, posters and screening passes. Fridays, Meachem has several showings of a movie that is not yet out on DVD, and a lot of students attend. I set up in the lobby so that I could hand out items to people between screenings and get them to take pictures with the "cast." I got rid of everything I brought!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Week 8 & Easter

When I came into Moroch Tuesday there were boxes of Joan Jett CD's, her biography and memorabilia books. I had already researched locations for The Runaways promotions, so all I had to do was call those places about receiving some of the books and CD's in exchange for displaying and/or distributing movie posters. I got okays from 6 places in Oklahoma City and 4 in Tulsa, which was perfect for the amount of stuff we had. I continued researching locations and organizations for The Karate Kid this week, bringing the number of places in each Oklahoma City and Tulsa up to over 100. I also worked on compiling a 2010 events calendar for Oklahoma City so we don't have to start from scratch researching events for each movie.

I had to learn a computer system for Death at a Funeral promotions. The studio has a portal where all Moroch branches can log on and submit their work, plans and pictures all in one place. I read some instructions e-mails then posted pictures from the poster posting I did last Friday.

Thursday, I packaged up all The Runaways items for the appropriate destinations and mailed them off. My boss, Katie, helped, which was nice since packaging items takes way longer than you think it would. After I was done, I learned how to format a studio report and wrote one for The Runaways. I listed the work we had done for the film so far, who we have contacted, etc., then submitted it!

The office closed early Thursday and was closed Friday because of a company-wide policy for Easter.