Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Week 10

I continued contacting businesses about receiving Babies screening passes on Tuesday. I also worked on uploading pictures from past events to the PRO online reporting site for Death at a Funeral. Our comedy night at Othello's didn't work out so I spent a lot of time researching other ideas and seeing what else I could do before the movie came out that Friday. Blogging has become a part of my daily Moroch activities as well. I blogged about movies that originated as books and what to look out for this summer in theaters.

Thursday I entered all the information from the Death at a Funeral media promotions into PRO. I put in entries for TV4OU, The Wire, KALU at Langston and Pioneer Gazette at OCCC. Then I wrote a blog about Death at a Funeral and some of the issues that the movie has raised or brought more attention to. I also mailed the Babies screening passes and posters and mailed Death at a Funeral tissue packs to radio stations. We are working on a new movie called Just Wright, starring Queen Latifah. She plays a physical therapist who lands a job helping a NBA star (also her best friend's boyfriend) and has to figure out what to do when she starts to fall for him. I brainstormed promotional events for the movie and researched locations in Oklahoma City and Tulsa.

My work on Friday all took place at OU, so I didn't need to drive up to the city. I flyered the campus again for Death at a Funeral, because the movie was coming out that day. Later that night I went to the Film Series' movie Invictus, where I handed out promotional items and posters and held drawings for t-shirts. This took the place of the Othello's night for the main promotional event for Death at a Funeral.

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