Monday, April 12, 2010

Week 9

Blogging was my main task Tuesday. I brainstormed and researched blog topics for Moroch's blog. They write for an audience of film studios and locals interested in film. We do a lot of giveaways promoting films. I wrote a blog about the trend of 3-D movies and one promoting Death at a Funeral with screening pass giveaways. Later that day I also brainstormed promotional events for The Karate Kid. Ideas involved screenings of the original movies, a karate demo and workshop and a sumo wrestling inflatable game. I also gathered items I needed for future Death at a Funeral promotions and organized the storage room...again.

Thursday was a lot of mailing. I located and contacted seven different locations who agreed to receive, display and distribute Death at a Funeral items. I then packaged up and mailed 14 boxes (2 each) of items. I also mailed Runaways items to local and Tulsa radio stations. I left early Thursday to post movie posters for The Runaways and Babies on campus. I focused on Dale Hall and the Film and Video studies building.

Friday mailings continued, but I mainly worked on Babies. We chose winners from the Death at a Funeral blog, so I packaged and mailed their prize T-shirt and screening passes. For Babies, Moroch was in the process of putting together a spreadsheet of OKC organizations. I finished filling out the chart, which took a lot of online research. Then I e-mailed and called the places on the list about receiving advance screening passes.

That night I took a large cardboard cut-out of the Death at a Funeral cast to OU's Meachem Auditorium, along with t-shirts, promotional tissue packs, posters and screening passes. Fridays, Meachem has several showings of a movie that is not yet out on DVD, and a lot of students attend. I set up in the lobby so that I could hand out items to people between screenings and get them to take pictures with the "cast." I got rid of everything I brought!

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